Black Oblivion, Closed Compound Memorial, Kimberley Northern Cape.
This dissertation aims to commemorate the overlooked stories of black migrant miners who laboured in the mining history of South Africa, unearthing narratives buried beneath the surface. The proposed design aims to prompt visitors to contemplate and confront the confined existence and significant contributions of black migrant labourers. The project seeks to honour and memorialise the untold stories and struggles of black migrants, highlighting their contributions to Kimberley's prosperity and the global diamond trade. The study investigates post-structuralism and analyses memorial case studies and contemporary museum-building typologies. This memorial's evocative approach aims to create a lasting tribute, ensuring that the marginalised voices and experiences of black migrants do not fade into oblivion and remain integral to South Africa's historical narrative and memory.
Michail Cloete
University of the Free State
why did you choose to study architecture?
The field of Architecture, in essence, is problem-solving. It expands the mind of an individual to think beyond the present to solve problems of the past with future solutions. I have chosen this field because I have always been intrigued with problem solving, and throughout the years, it has become evident that architecture offers this and much more. Architecture is where a conceptual idea becomes a conceptual reality. It does not only solve problems but creates new experiences.