The Influence Of The Community On The Architecture Of Learning Spaces

University of Kwazulu-Natal
Naicker looked at how architecture can contribute to existing learning environments by integrating community influence within rural primary schools. This resulted in Naicker exploring how to promote quality education in rural communities by using alternative methods of teaching and learning based on community influence.
The proposed building design defines the principles for a spatial rethink of a primary school in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The aim is to extend the conventional learning experience beyond the confines of constructed classroom spaces to the broader context of learning in place, and simultaneously providing an opportunity for community empowerment.
From an architectural perspective, Naicker has been motivated by exploring the vital relationship between communities, education and the built environment to contribute to resolving existing problems found in rural architecture. The design provides for a much more considered architectural approach that responds not only to the pedagogical needs of the students, but also to the socioeconomic needs of the rural community, which is a major asset to its holistic sustainability.
Towards Rethink of a Rural Primary School